Removal of Loose Bodies
Loose bodies in the knee joint, also called loose bodies of the knee or chondral loose bodies, are outgrowths from the joint surface. These loose bodies are fragments of detached cartilage or bone that have detached from their original location within the joint and migrated to a different area of the joint. Overall, they may differ in size and shape and may also be free floating (unstable) or trapped (stable).
What are the causes of Loose Bodies in the Knee?
There are several reasons why you might develop loose bodies in the knee. These include a knee injury, degenerative joint disease such as arthritis and overuse due to work or sports.
What are the symptoms of Loose Bodies in the Knee?
If any of the following symptoms occur, you may have loose bodies in the knee:
Left untreated, loose bodies may result in osteoarthritis, which can cause pain, swelling and decreased range of motion.
How do you know if you have Loose Bodies in your knee?
Not all knee pain stems from loose bodies within the knee. However, if a patient is experiencing any symptoms related to loose bodies within the knee, they should seek medical attention from an orthopaedic surgeon. If left untreated, loose bodies within the knee may cause further damage to the surrounding tissues. If a patient is experiencing moderate to severe knee pain and has no history of previous trauma, they should see an orthopaedic surgeon.
Even if the patient does not think that they have a serious issue, they should seek medical attention in order to rule anything out. When diagnosing loose bodies within the knee, surgeons examine and test for any visible signs of a loose body. They will also use X-rays (to check for bony elements) and MRI scans (to scan for soft tissue).
What are the treatment options of Loose bodies in the Knee?
Knee arthroscopy, or “clean out” arthroscopy, is a minimally invasive surgery typically resulting in fewer complications and best suited for removing small loose bodies. Large loose bodies that cannot be removed via arthroscopy are treated by open surgery or arthrotomy.
After the surgery, a rehabilitation program may be required to restore your knee’s movement and strength.
The second surgical option, called an arthrotomy, is rarely performed. A surgeon may perform an arthrotomy when the patient's loose bodies are particularly large. When this is the case, the smaller portals of arthroscopy may not be sufficient to remove the particles. During arthrotomy, a larger incision must be made so that the surgeon can access and remove the loose body.